Lady Fuckwit

Taking pleasure in the small things in life

Erotica or Porn ~ What do you think ?

So, we all know there is a difference between erotica and porn, we know that they each serve a purpose in society and to our lives, but is there a difference?  Once I discovered erotica, I realised I relished reading it and I believe there is a difference between porn and erotica and although some people see anything with a sexual content as porn I strongly believe there is a difference.

I think that porn depicts sexual acts in a sensational and unrealistic manner, the purpose is to stimulate and arouse with quick and intense reactions whilst focussing on purely the physical act. Porn, it is argued, is directed towards men because it is visual and unemotional. Porn is charged by law, religion and feminism, as distorting sexual relations, creating sex myths and eroticising a distorted image of women. Whilst porn has many negative connotations, on a personal level, the use of porn is often encouraged by professionals as an aid for couples to experiment. I simply cannot do with the oohing and aaahing and general silly carry on of the porn stars, I do however, understand why porn is enjoyed, it just is not for me.

Erotica appeals more to women but has both male and female writers and readers, it tells a more complete story than porn. Erotica is the subject that romantic novels and stories omits or refer to vaguely, it stimulates the mind, arouses the body and encourages our imaginations. I love to familiarise myself with the characters and watch a story unfold. Erotica is diverse and is more than just sex; it is the exploration of our emotions, often frivolous, sometimes humorous, frequently sexy.

Bookie nookie is here to stay, with many categories and themes including; love and passion, submission, role playing, historical and paranormal sci-fi.  From everyday sex to BDSM; there are books and stories that are smoking hot, toe curling and captivating. I think that men should be involved in reading erotica with the spouses and partners, after all, it usually leads to erotic bedroom antics that result in bonding of the flesh and the mind. For me, there is no contest, I know I will keep reading good quality erotica and I know that I am in good company as more women and men explore and enjoy and therefore I am very glad to say that this isn’t just about me…all me.

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10 thoughts on “Erotica or Porn ~ What do you think ?

  1. Erotica is the bridge between romance [all hearts & flowers with only the merest hint of physical pleasure] & porn [purely physical pleasure, without all that soppy love stuff].

    I definitely prefer erotica to either romance or porn.

  2. I am a fan of erotica, it allows me to imagine in my own mind what is going on in the story without the visual industrial shots that is typical of porn. I like to have some imagination involved and watching porn, while good for initial stimulation, does not really promote that use of imagination. If given a choice, I would choose erotica over porn because I feel I can get better stimulated by erotica, there is an air of mystery when you have to picture what is going on in your mind instead of watching it.

    Being a guy, sure, if I want to clean the pipes quickly I will go visit YouPorn & watch something since the visual & sounds are enough to do the job. Of course it is fake, even the so called “amateur” ones so it is hard sometimes not to laugh at the ridiculousness of watching porn.

    My preference though is audio. You mentioned spouses and partners reading erotica to each other and I had done that a couple of times with my soon to be ex-wife and we both enjoyed it, of course it would always be me reading but it did not matter it was something that we shared. After awhile though she no longer wanted to do that so I decided to listen to MP3’s and I found them to be quite stimulating and I could clean my pipes as I listened.

    Audio erotica, that is what does it for me now, well at least until I find that special woman that I can share things with again.

  3. Keith Booth on said:

    Erotica for me, I’m bored with porn after 5 minutes, it nearly always involves the same things, watch 5 minutes of a porn movie and you’ve seen the whole movie, bj after bj, anal sex, cum shots, open a porn mag and all pages are the same, erotica lets you use your own imagination, the person in the story can be whoever you want them to be, you imagine it’s you you’re reading about and you want more. Also applies to erotic images, there’s always something that forces you to use your imagination. To me erotica involves the two of you as people with minds and bodies to stimulate, not just the physical acts.

  4. I see a fine line. My books are a very close edge. I don’t see my work as porn though it has been called that. How you see it, I suppose is very subjective? One person’s porn may be another person’s erotica. To me, porn has no story, no meaning and no interaction…purely the sex act itself. I don’t know, perhaps I am wrong and I’d love to know the opinions of others.

    • I think we both agree the both porn and erotica do serve a purpose, however porn is almost a disconnect, which is good in some respects and erotica is stimulating more that the body and connect our flesh with our minds. Thanks for your comment.

  5. I suspect that those who read your blog will tend to be erotica oriented, I know that I am but not exclusively. For me it started at an early age when I was a member of one of those monthly book clubs that would put some erotica choices in with my Military History monthly lists. This introduced me a world of erotic fascination that has certainly stimulated my mind far more than porn. I also found top shelf magazines and rapidly (and to my mothers disgust) had a collection of both.

    I have in adult life found that sharing both of these with a partner can be very enlightening. There seems to be a difficulty for many people to open up and share their fantasies and desires. For me when they have done this through both erotica and porn it has directed us towards allowing these desires into our sex life which can only be good

  6. Porn and erotica both have their places in the sexual realm. Both can be used as tools to
    explore your personal sexuality, as well as a partners. They appeal to different senses; porn
    is much more visual, whereas erotica leaves it up to the strength of your imagination.
    Because of its visual element, I believe porn is easier to share with a partner than erotica.
    Well-written erotica is more multifaceted and provides satisfaction on many levels, whereas
    porn gives instant gratification. The creativity and artistry displayed in many erotic stories is
    sorely missing in the porn world. However, there are some very sensual pornos but in general
    erotica tends to be more sophisticated.

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